In this age of yearning and contempt, when the yoke is heavy and the cudgel falls hard, someone has to do something. The salvation of society lurks in the coffeehouses and salons, dreaming, arguing, and smoking. No, you aren’t simply unemployed, you’re a…
Each template, +1 HP, -10 years to your natural lifespan
Starting Equipment: Pocket Manifesto, revolver, flask of liquor, 2 packs of cigarettes, 20 silver coins
A: Irrepressible, Rebel’s Baptism, Polar Personality
B: Polemics, Anti-Reactionary
C: Agitate, Professional Talent
D: Coup
Irrepressible : There’s only two ways this ends for you: in a martyr’s grave or with the reins of power in your hands. +2 to saves against mental and physical restraints.
Rebel’s Baptism: All true revolutionaries have spent time in prison and run from the cops more times than they can count. But there was one thing you did that really proved your credentials (d6).
1 |
You underwent enhanced interrogation at the hand of the secret police, but you demonstrated an incredible pain tolerance and never gave up your comrades. You are immune to the harmful effects of pain |
2 |
You were deported to a wretched land and left to fend for yourself amongst the exiled. It turned out to be a pretty good networking opportunity! With 1d4 days effort you can find a familiar face from your fellow deportees, and gain +1 to reaction rolls with them. |
3 |
You got lucky and killed someone important. Twice more, you’ll get lucky again, after seeing the result you may declare a roll actually succeeded or failed. |
4 |
You brazenly vandalized an icon of the regime right under their noses. You may move totally silently and gain the skill Climbing. |
5 |
You robbed a bank and gave the proceeds to the cause. Mostly. Start with 300 extra gold. |
6 |
You discovered a police informant and caught them before they could rat. You may detect lies and half-truths for one minute every day. |
Polar Personality: Your charisma is like a magnet: attractive and repulsive in equal measure. For reaction rolls with civilized folks, roll 1d12 instead of 2d6.
A typical year for the Professional Revolutionary
Polemics: You have a new stat, Purity, which starts at 1. Your comrades will use your Purity to determine how much they should respect you. If you ever make a strategic alliance with the forces of reaction or ask the people to pay the price for the greater good, reduce your Purity. If you win a debate with another Professional Revolutionary, either in front of an audience or in print, gain 1 purity and they lose 1. You may choose to be caustic and arrogant in victory. If so, triple the purity gain and loss and gain 15 xp.
Anti-reactionary : At the moment of decision, you are ready. +2 initiative.
Agitate : With 10 minutes of gesticulating, shouting, pandering, and denouncing, you can whip a crowd into a fury. All who listen must save or adopt the judgment, risk aversion, and impulse control they would have if they were drunk. This lasts for six hours, but they may reroll their save when bullets start flying. After using this ability, you cannot use it again until you do three of the following: get three nights sleep, stay awake for 24 hours straight, chain smoke a pack of cigarettes, drink as much alcohol as is in a flask of vodka, rant and rave about the inevitability of the revolution for an hour, shout your fury at a friend (spending 1 Purity in the process), get physically hurt by someone you see as reactionary, witness an unarmed comrade die, or breathlessly achieve a long awaited goal of the revolution. In the heady days of past revolutions, revolutionaries have kept each other going in this state for days, repealing ancient injustices and getting wasted.
Professional Talent: You’ve picked up a useful skill (d6).
1 |
Bomb-making. With 10 gold and a day of effort, make an anti-personnel petard. With 50 gold and a week of effort, make a building-shattering Big Bomba. |
2 |
Marxmanship. +2 to hit with ranged weapons. |
3 |
To be in the right place at the right time. After being damaged by an attack, once per day you may choose to take no damage instead. Turns out it just barely missed! |
4 |
Smuggling. Short of being strip searched, you can conceal one slot items on your personal perfectly. Containers you spend an hour preparing contain half their volume in secret compartments. |
5 |
Etiquette. You walk among the powerful and know how to speak their language. Other Revolutionaries would be expelled from high society, but you have a way of seeming like you belong. You have an innate understanding of how far you can go before crossing this line. |
6 |
Organizing. You’ve actually gone out amongst the people the revolution will ostensibly be for, learned their concerns and actually made a few friends. Common folk treat you like an old friend instead of an outsider intellectual trying to rule their lives. With a month of effort you can reliably whip up a supportive interest group. |
Coup: Your infectious enthusiasm gives +1 to hit and damage to allies within 30 feet. If you seize the reins of power, gain +4 charisma for as long as you hold them. If you are brazenly seizing power, you may spend 5 Purity to delay the response of a rival revolutionary faction by 1 day due to their incredulity.
Pictured: Kronos protecting the Titanic Revolution from would-be counter-revolutionaries