Sunday, February 2, 2025

To Have and to Hoard: GLoG Dungeonmaster Class

Inspiration is a funny thing. AntiTime on Phlox’s GLoG server made an offhand comment on how it would be a “power move” to have a class “add +200 orcs at template C”. This class essentially fell out of me as a response, though the orcs are more easily sensical than I think they had in mind.


Starting Equipment: Rudimentary Dark Lair, Evil Garments, Spooky Jewelry

A: Dreadful Presence, Trapmiser

B: Orbmaster

C: +200 orcs

D: Perfidio Oblige

Dreadful Presence: -2 to reaction rolls with neutral and lawful aligned humanoids. +2 to reaction rolls with monsters and chaotic aligned humanoids.

Trapmiser: Any treasure you store in your lair automatically generates traps equal to its value in the form you desire. If you ever have less treasure stored than trap value, the less expensive pieces fall into disrepair.

Orbmaster: For each orb you carry or monogamously ponder, +1 MD, with a maximum equal to your Templates or the number of hostile adventurers in your lair, whichever is higher. The first time you ponder an orb, +3 spells known. (Orbs have an active power you may use while holding it, and a passive power you may use if the orb is on display and you are the last one to spend 2d4 days pondering the orb. Whenever you ponder an orb, save against Orb Envy or else never allow others to sully your orbs with their greasy touch)

 +200 Orcs: …or 400 goblins, or 150 hobgoblins, or 20 trolls.

Perfidio Oblige: For each monster with 8 HD or more you maintain in your lair, +1 to hit. For each notable magic arm or armor you gift to a martial NPC lieutenant, +1 HP. For each notable arcane item you gift to a wizardly NPC lieutenant, +1 save.

How to use this class?

Although they are tied to one location, Dungeonmasters still have plenty of incentive to adventure, gathering gold, orbs, and minions. Good for:

-Solo campaign if you and a friends have an itch for logistics and diplomacy not shared by the rest of your RPG group

-As part of a more typical adventuring party, just expect more effort poured into turning combat encounters into requests for interviews and CVs.

-An NPC villain, of course.

Alternate Class Features

For if you don’t want to be obliged to have orbs as standard loot in your dungeon (your loss)

B2: Master of Blades

-Stolen from Phlox’s Ten Blade Demigod

-Gain a HALO OF BLADES as your magic swords float in the air around you. Swords take up one less inventory slot (minimum one). DR 2 against magic and bludgeoning damage if you carry at least 3 magic swords. +3 inventory slots if you carry at least 5 magic swords. You are immune to fire, electricity and poison if you carry at least 6 magic swords. You cannot die for as long as you carry at least 10 magic swords.

-Sword Greed. If you encounter a magic sword after you possess at least 3 swords, save against Sword Greed or seek to possess them recklessly and heedless to qualms.

B3: Usurper

-For each symbol of royal authority you wrongfully steal, +1 MD, with a maximum equal to your Templates or the number of hostile adventurers in your lair, whichever is higher. Examples include, the Crown, Excalibur, and Princess. The first time you sit on The Throne, +3 spells known.

-Lust for Power. Whenever you attain high office or steal notable symbols of authority, save against the Lust for Power or cling to these symbols beyond all reason, choosing death before abandoning them.

1 comment:

GLoG Realm Magic

  To expand on my last post, here are some additional rules for casting “realm spells”, spells greater in scope than what a magic user might...